Women's Bible Class
The Women's Ministry continue their Tuesday morning study through the book of
James. Join them at 9:30 a.m.
Join Us For Dinner This Wednesday
We're hosting our monthly Wednesday dinner this week. We're serving Mexican Casserole, sides and a dessert for just $5.00 for adults / $3.00 for kids 10 and under. CLICK HERE or sign up in the auditorium TODAY.
Teen Fellowship this Saturday
Our teen group is meeting this Saturday from 5-9 for dinner, devo and a "nerf war" at the building. The cost is $5.00 each so invite a friend and CLICK HERE or sign up in the auditorium TODAY.
PRIMEtimers meets on March 12
Our PRIMEtimers group will meet next Wednesday for Bible study and lunch at 10 am. The cost of the meal is just $5.00 each. CLICK HERE to register or sign up in the back of the auditorium TODAY.
Family Time for Kids and Families Meets on March 16
Our Family Time Ministry for families with young children meets on Sunday, March 16 after worship.
Teachers Are Still Needed
Teachers are still needed for classes on both Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. Please contact Donna Jones if you are able and willing to help out. Teaching and supporting our young people at MHCOC continues to be very important.
Area Events
Help CFS Timothy Campaign in March
The annual Timothy campaign for CFS Connect Care starts today and runs through
March. Whether you donate spare change or write a check, your gift helps
provide for children in our emergency foster care program. See Brenda
Cody for more or go to stlcfs.org
for more information
Bible Workshop at Harvester Church of Christ
The Harvester Church of Christ hosts a Bible workshop on March 29 from 9 am to noon on the book of Revelation. Dr. Brian Magnuson will be the presenter.
Neotez Dinner is on April 4
The annual Neotez fundraiser
dinner is set for April 4 at the Machinist Hall. CLICK
HERE for tickets.
The Area-Wide Praise Service is set for April 27 at
Maryland Heights.
The annual praise service will be on Sunday, April 27 at Maryland
Heights. Mark that date on your calendar and join us at 5 pm for an
evening of uplifting singing and fellowship with Christians from across the
metro area.